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Differences between Irish and Finnish schools

The main differences between the two schools are how well behaved finnish pupils are compared to my Irish classmates. For example in Ireland people would be smashing walls, breaking chairs, destroying the toilets and just making it a rough day no matter what. Whereas here you can walk around the school without having to wait till the end of the day to go to the toilet or sitting in a seat that you don't have anything to worry about.

Another thing I like about Finnish schools is the length of classes and the 15-minute breaks between classes where in Ireland I had to run to make class on time or I would be in detention. The classes in Ireland would be 40 minutes long which in my opinion is way too short. I also love how everyday the timetable changes where in Ireland my day started and ended at the same time every single day.

However in Ireland I did feel a lot more comfortable knowing I could always tell my mum or dad to collect me or bring me something. Also in Ireland you had to bring your own lunch to school which in Finland is just unheard of. I do like the cafeteria here. It makes me feel like I am in a proper working environment.

The subjects here are also very different; for example in Ireland there would be choices of Woodwork, Metalwork, Home Economics and Science as a whole, not Chemistry, Biology and Physics as separate subjects. As in Finland you would find subjects like psychology etc.

Another thing that has changed is that Ireland’s school system is a lot more different than Finland’s as in that in Ireland you start school at 4 or 5 and here at 6 or 7 and that as you get older you move to a secondary school for 3 years and then a high school or lukio as they say here. Where in Ireland you spend 8 years in primary school and then 6 in secondary school.

                                                                            - William


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